July 2, 2018 Testimony of Lucia Buchanan Pierce

From the D.C. Council Committee of the Whole Hearing on July 2, 2018. testimony from D.C. resident Lucia Buchanan Pierce:

Mendelson: Thank you. Miss Pierce?

Pierce: My name is Lucia Buchanan Pierce, and I am a longstanding resident of Ward 3. I'm here to introduce a video on behalf of my friend, Deborah Fallows, a founding member of QCDC. Mrs. Fallows regrets that she could not be here because of an unbreakable prior commitment.

In Mrs. Fallows' words, "The video will show you Gene Jackson, who I've known and respected for several years. He is an award-winning, lifelong groundskeeper. Mr. Jackson will describe the effects of his hearing loss resulting from decades of operating gas-powered leaf blowers. Recently, Mr. Jackson was able to switch to battery-powered blowers, which he will be demonstrating in this video." [Video shown here.]
