From the New York Times: “Here’s a Better Way to Deal With Your Leaves”

From the NYT on April 15, 2022, one week before the annual Earth Day, a powerful essay by Jessica Stolzberg, a writer based in New Jersey, about the individual power to make a difference by moving away from needlessly destructive forms of lawn care.

A sample:

“We at home are left to wonder whether our daily decisions matter, as we watch a continuing parade of environmental and humanitarian disasters. Many of us have begun to accept that our children and theirs won’t know the same planet that we do…

“We must, increasingly, look to ourselves and take charge of what we can change on our own. A starting point is in our own yards…

“The gas leaf blower is by all measures, and without dispute, harmful — to the environment, to neighbors, to workers who carry them on their backs. These hazards have been the subject of countless articles. Local and national organizations work to educate and empower property owners, providing guides to alternatives

“The fix is so easy. Electric leaf blowers are effective, available and affordable. They emit no fossil fuel pollution directly. Their decibel output is safe. The best part? To make the switch requires only the simplicity and speed of personal decision. Yours. Today.”

The whole piece is very much worth reading. Congratulations to Jessica Stolzberg for spelling things out so well, and to the NYT for making this an ongoing focus.