Stamford, Connecticut, Prepares for the Change

From the Stamford Advocate, a great story by correspondent Veronica Del Valle. Here is the headline:

And here is a sample from the story, which starts with a reference to a biologist named Jason Munshi-South:

Like most people seeking to ban or restrict gas-powered leaf blowers, [Munshi-South] said he sees them as a needless environmental hazard, both because of the habitats they disrupt and the air pollutants they emit.

”When you’re using these leaf blowers, you’re blowing away all the life in your lawn — any firefly or beetle or spider,” he said.

Simultaneously, they erode habitats for pollinators like birds, bats, bees and butterflies, according to Melanie Hollas, co-chair of the Stamford Pollinator Pathway, one group supporting Munshi-South’s effort. Tiny pollinators like bees and ladybugs burrow in the ground during their dormant seasons, sometimes close to the surface.

”If you’re using a leaf blower to remove all of the leaves, in the fall especially, you’re destroying their habitat and their insulation,” Hollas said.

The story is worth reading in full. Congratulations to Veronica Del Valle, Jason Munshi-South, and their colleagues in Connecticut.